About Michael Kearney

Michael R. Kearney (1995-) is an organist, pianist, and composer with a passion for the Psalms set to music.

A native of Long Island, New York, Michael began to accompany church services at West Sayville Reformed Bible Church (URCNA) at the age of nine. He studied piano for twelve years with Diana Morosova and Tamara Slobodkin. Michael’s career as an organist has been largely self-taught. He had three semesters of organ lessons with David Rhoades at Geneva College and gratefully sat in on many master classes with Ann Labounsky of Duquesne University. In 2022 and 2023, he was a recipient of the Peragallo Organ Company College Level Scholarship for Continued Organ Study.

Michael began the site URC Psalmody in 2011 to foster education and fellowship among church musicians in the Reformed and Presbyterian tradition, with a particular focus on metrical psalmody. Since then, the project has expanded into other avenues including a publishing venture and a YouTube channel. In pursuit of bringing this tradition of sacred music to a wider audience, Michael engages in a variety of activities:

  • Performing organ recitals and recording sacred and classical music on a variety of historic instruments around the world. He has given organ concerts in the U.S. and the Netherlands, collaborating with musicians such as André Knevel and Gert van Hoef. He has also accompanied The Genevans, student choir of Geneva College, in tours across the U.S. and to Northern Ireland, Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, the Philippines, and Malaysia.
  • Composing a variety of choral and instrumental music based on the Psalms. His five-part motet on Psalm 103 was the Inaugural Psalm for Geneva College’s twentieth president, Dr. Calvin Troup.
  • Producing arrangements and transcriptions of sacred and classical literature. These include a Polish-English edition of Feliks Nowowiejski’s Psalm 136/137 and the first published organ transcription of the Introduction and Allegro agitato from Felix Mendelssohn’s Symphony no. 3 “Scottish.”
  • Contributing to albums of metrical psalmody. Michael’s compositions, arrangements, and organ performances are featured on several albums released by The Genevans and Crown & Covenant Publications.
  • Publishing essays on worship and music. These have appeared in The American Organist, The Outlook MagazineChristian Renewal Magazine, and The Reformed Presbyterian Witness. In addition, Michael has published scholarly work in several journals of rhetoric, communication, and religion.
  • Collecting recordings of congregational singing from churches across North America. These recordings make up some of the more than 500 videos on URC Psalmody’s YouTube channel.

Michael is a board member of Reformed Fellowship, Inc., and a member of the American Guild of Organists. He desires to use his varied interests in communication, psalmody, and theology to serve the church. Michael is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Rhetoric at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

You can contact Michael here.

Last updated February 3, 2024

11 responses to “About Michael Kearney”

  1. Am thrilled to find such a young musician who appreciates the Psalter!

  2. Well written! Have read some of your writings but had no idea you weren’t yet 20 years old! I just turned 53, am not in the URC, but have attended a URC church as a visitor and just begun to take an interest in the Blue Psalter Hymnal. Good to see you’ve gone down the path of learning something of the hymnals, and I think I can learn a lot from you! I’ll be peeking around your site.

    1. Thanks for your kind words! I’m so glad you’re finding URC Psalmody to be helpful, even though on the whole it’s a pretty small and humble project. Personally, as you can tell, I love the blue Psalter Hymnal a lot, even though like any hymnbook it has its share of flaws and shortcomings.

      I have to conclude that you’re the same Dan who’s been posting on the Psalter Hymnal Facebook page recently–I run that page as well, though I tend to stay anonymous in case I ever get the chance to add more admins. But I’ve really appreciated your contributions there too.

      So thanks again for commenting…I’d be happy to try to answer any questions you may have in the future, or at least point you to someone else who can. Like the Psalmist said, “It is good to sing Thy praises!”


      –Michael Kearney

      1. William S.Craig Avatar
        William S.Craig

        Some of the older members of the F.R.C. in St Thomas Ontario are singing psalm 48 in Dutch.I am a Scot and I join them.

  3. Although I’m a Reformed Anglican acquainted with Psalm-singing (and some chanting) and while my wife is pipe organist at our Episcopal Church, I’m entirely delighted and much encouraged (as an older retiree) to see a young man working in/on the Psalter, the organ, and working in a solid Reformed and Confessional Church. This must become a trend for other youth…replacements for us older folks. Best regards.

    1. Mr. Veitch, thank you! And I am happy to note that it certainly seems that it is becoming a trend for other youth in confessional Reformed churches!

  4. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the BPH. I remember in 1958 when it was introduced to the CRC by fiat. No choice was afforded the people, who complained bitterly about its shortcomings compared to the Maroon PH. One aged gentleman even jeered loudly at the minister during the worship service, when he admonished us to do a better job with some of the new numbers. One doesn’t forget experiences like that!

    1. Thank you, Mr. Buursma. The amazing thing is that compared to the differences between the blue Psalter Hymnal and the new proposal, the differences between the red and blue PsH seem relatively minor. If it was such a “rough road” transitioning to a new edition of the same book in a fairly cohesive denomination back in 1958, should we expect that a completely new songbook in a very diverse federation of churches will arrive any more smoothly? My hope is that both the congregations and the Songbook Committees will be cognizant of the challenges involved in bringing about this change, and it can be done with mutual understanding and humility.


  5. Your hymn in Grote Kerk hasselt is very joyfull. I like this. God bless you

  6. Recently viewed the amazing concert with Gert van Hoef on YouTube…whom I’m a subscriber. I’m very impressed with the quality of music selection and dedication to a beautiful profession. In addition, I’m grateful to have these talented young artists continuing a worthy tradition.

  7. I only recently got to know Michael through Youtube concerts, but I am deeply impressed by his playing and musicianship. How wonderful to see young people so busy with spiritual songs, a bright spot in these troubled times. Also his relationship and interaction with Gert van Hoef is quite remarkable and ‘a feast for the ear’.

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